
青島 温泉リゾート

Qingdao Hot Spring Resort / 青岛 温泉度假区

The project site is a hot spring resort located about 50km northeast of central Qingdao. It is here that a hotel, villa, SPA and residence project aimed at the German city of Baden-Baden will be built. This is a comprehensive hot spring spa resort where guests can enjoy a high-class and sophisticated resort life. In particular, the landscape is lush and green with a variety of natural materials from Qingdao.
规划地位于青岛市东北部,离市中心约50km的温泉疗养地。这里以德国的巴登-巴登为目标,计划建造酒店、别墅、SPA、住宅等各种设施,使之成为一个高档与舒适的综合性温泉旅游度假区。 在景观设计上也特别注意利用青岛当地的自然与材料,营造绿色的空间。
  • LOCATION:中国・青島 / Qingdao, CHINA / 中国・青岛
  • AREA:21ha

東京都豊島区目白2-16-22 5F
2-16-22-5F Mejiro,Toshima-ku,Tokyo,JAPAN
Phone: +81 03 3980 5562